As I was preparing for my trip to Ghana during the weeks leading up to my arrival, I figured I should have leeway in my normal diet to eat the different foods I knew I would miss while abroad. I thought I would lose weight while in Ghana because I wouldn’t be used to the food and therefore would eat less. During my last two weeks in Eugene I made sure to eat a nice steak dinner, pizza, Chinese food, Mexican food, sushi, and the list goes on and on.

Fast forward to now, I’m realizing that Ghana will not be the fast-track diet plan that I originally anticipated. Every Ghanaian dish I have tried has been incredibly delicious and I have continuously left each restaurant so full that it feels like the elastic band that keeps my skirt on my waist might snap.

Most dishes are comprised of some type of meat saturated in a delectably spicy sauce, usually chicken, beef, or fish. This meat sauce is served with a mountain of either fried rice or plain rice. The portions are huge, but because the food is so tasty, I simply can’t stop eating when I’m full. It looks like I may have to start a workout regimen because I know I can’t turn down this type of food. Ghanaian food: 1, Tianna: 0.