Being out of your element and away from home for over a month really makes you appreciate the little things way more. We take so much of what we have for granted. This trip has made me realize is that I should give thanks for the things I do have and not stress about the things that I don’t. Living in Accra for 6 weeks also showed me that the things I miss aren’t things I need to survive, they’re just things I am privileged enough to have.

Top 10 Things I’ve Taken for Granted

  1. Clean running water
  2. Washing machine / Dryer (Never had to hand wash clothes… quite the workout)
  3. My own room, with a locked door (this trip can be socially exhausting)
  4. Fresh air (Never knew the extremes of air pollution)
  5. HOT CHEETOS (These are my favorite things ever and they are nowhere to be found here)
  6. My bed (The bed here is too short and the mosquito net gives me anxiety)
  7. Cooking (As much as I complain about having to cook, I really miss a good home-cooked meal)
  8. Grocery stores (The stores here are confusing)
  9. Fast internet (I feel so disconnected from the world)
  10. Friends & Family (You never know how much you really miss someone until you’re separated by the ocean)