Oh, the first day of internships. For some this meant tours, meetings, invitations to lunch.
For me, it meant getting sporadically introduced to people (only first names, no information about what position they were), immediately getting shown into a room with three other people, and then getting the WiFi login (not personally, someone put it in for me).
I sort of met my roommates, but they weren’t very chatty (and neither am I). I sat in a chair that must have been picked out just to haze me. Every little adjustment, every foot shift, resulted in squeaks that would make a mouse blush. I resigned to sitting still and refreshing my browser, hoping the Internet would kick in again when it went down. When it was up, I was checking out past Apex commercials. I was able to watch two or three before I gave up on watching videos because of the speed. Then the day went on around me.
No one asked me what I was doing for lunch, or if I wanted to go with them. I’m not sure if they even went to lunch. I didn’t ask what the deal with lunch was, thought maybe I had already missed it. They left and came back in a lot, maybe to the bathroom, which I have a slight idea where it might be. (Good thing I have a large bladder to go with my head-down attitude.) They also spoke in broken English, if they spoke English, so I was forced to ask them to repeat a lot of what they said.
Around 2:30 (I had been there since 11:30), I met the boss. He asked me into his office where we talked about if I was serious about doing work or if I was here for vacation—he said they could balance the work around me. I told him I was serious about work and he said good. He then told me about an account they have and if I could write some scripts up. Of course I said yes. He gave me a prompt they had been working on and told me to come up with another one as well. So I spent the rest of the day working on scripts. I’m a little rusty, though; the last script I wrote was for a movie my 4th grade class did.
Around 4:30-5 people started leaving, but I waited for a co-worker who was going to show me the way to a tro-tro I could take home. Once she had bundled up her baby on her back (lots of mothers with their children at my work), I followed her slowly down the streets. She went left, right, left, left, right–or I think that’s what it was–before we got to a small tro-tro stop. I was nervous, it would be my first ride. But I got on the right one and succeeded in getting to my second one.
By the time I got home I was sweaty, tired, and very hungry, but I had made it.