Visiting a School in Nima

About a week a go we visited a school in a township area of Ghana. I noticed a stark contrast while visiting the school. While we watched the students preform poems, dances and songs for us, other children, literally a foot away from us watched through a chain-linked fence. The ones behind the fence were too poor to attend school. Many watched with a look of envy. When I was these kids age I wanted nothing to do with school but these kids want nothing more than a day at school. Watching the children attending school and the children who could not I realized that these were two lifestyles that I had been seeing all over Ghana. The world of wealth and the world of poverty, these two worlds are sitting right next to each other creating notable contrast all over Ghana. This contrast is an interesting metaphor for Ghana. We see a lot of privilege and poverty clashing. In many parts of Ghana I have had a feels that my surroundings are nearly similar to home. Sometimes my environment is so wealthy I get the sense that I am back in the states. Other times I am rocked by the poverty.