It feels nearly impossible to compile a single list of takeaways from my time in Ghana, because in all reality this place has changed me. Profoundly. Every aspect of my existence is different now: the way I see the world and what I really consider to be important have been molded by my experiences here. This post only scrapes the surface of those experiences, but it’s a good place to start.
In Ghana I learned…
– I can adjust to just about anything- even constant sweating and persistently dirty feet.
– Toilet paper is not a human right, and neither are garbage cans.
– Vegetarianism is not difficult in the U.S, but here it is particularly problematic- as is my unwillingness to eat seafood.
– Hot water is a luxury and running water is too, for that matter.
– Leslie is a force of nature.
– Religious tolerance DOES exist- Ghanaians are living proof.
– Children in this country are independent, resourceful and compassionate beyond measure, even if they have next to nothing.
– Rooster’s don’t only make noise in the morning- its an all day affair.
– Pineapple ginger juice is a cure-all.
– If you want to cross the street by foot, you’d better be brave (and quick).
– Auntie Janet is a master of her trade.
– French fries can accompany any meal and probably saved my life during the first few weeks of the trip.
– Bugs are a lot bigger in this country than I could have ever fathomed.
– Ghanaians are extremely polite and Americans could learn a thing or two about how to greet each other from them.
– Driving in this country comes with its own risk and complete lack of regulations.
– Be faithful to your fruit lady and you will reap the benefits.
– Take the tro-tro, because #1 it’s extremely cost effective and #2 Uber/taxi drivers don’t actually know where they’re going (even if they say they do).
– If you order a Caesar salad, you run the risk of receiving a bowl of lettuce and tomatoes with mayo as the dressing.
– There’s nothing like the smell of burning garbage in the morning.
– DNR is the ultimate comfort food, and Isaac the waiter is a homie.
– East Legon toads are the music of the night.
– Wli falls will redefine your perception of waterfall’s and their sheer power.
– Ghanaian churches keep it bumpin’ all night long- sometimes for days on end.
– Bottled water is like liquid gold.
– Skybar 25 is expensive, but the view is 100% worth the cost of the drinks.
– Sonny’s not only the best DJ in town, but also an amazing friend.
– Bargaining is an art form.
– Your housemates are your family and you’re here as a team – learn to love each other through your differences and appreciate your time together.
Thank you for everything, Ghana. Until we meet again.