Throughout my time at Radio Univers on the University of Ghana campus I’ve really learned how to see media in new light. Today I talked with my co-worker Francis about his long experience with the company on campus and he had many things to share. He was emboldened by all his experiences but he’s now 26 years of age and on his way out and he’s loved all that this job at Radio Univers has taught him. This job has given him skills and abilities he had never known or been able to utilize prior. What I noticed about him and many other of my co-workers is that they all had a wide variety of different majors, some that had to do with journalism and others that didn’t. It was very interesting to see the contrast in majors and finding out how they fit into the grand scheme of why they chose this volunteer position at the radio station on campus. Francis is a geography major which surprised me, but he described having that major is inconsequential because no matter if he’s going to be a journalist or not, he knew he could learn a lot at this place. Francis saw how Sedeeq and his team worked and what they could offer him for his resumé and he was ready to learn. Now being six years in the job with Seedeeq he can now say he’s picked up interviewing skills, leadership skills, technological skills, and many more. Francis inspired me to really truly reflect all that I’ve learned in my own life through school not just at the UO but in life in the US in general.
In the US we are so jaded sometimes with all the blessings we receive and more often than not complain about. We see our blessings and count them as hardships when it comes to education. When I see Francis much like my other cohorts I see a man who takes charge of any opportunity afforded to him. I see a person who no matter if it’s his passion or not will do things to better his skills and own life. There’s no question of whether it makes sense or not it’s only a yes to situations to better his work life. I was inspired by him and many others to seek out whatever can help me in my own life and I am going to try and learn more from him for the remainder of my time here in Ghana!