Today is the Day, by Madeline Robinson

Today is the day.

If I am being honest, I never really thought that it would come. I applied for this program in the exact same spot that I am writing this post: on a stool in the kitchen of my childhood home. Back in January, this felt like a pipe dream. “Ghana? I don’t know anyone who has been to Ghana; that could be an adventure.” Almost exactly six months later and I’ve got two too heavy suitcases, an arm full of vaccines, and just a few hours before heading to the airport. Now it’s starting to feel real.

In preparation for leaving I have made myself quite the extensive list of things to get done before departure. The last few days have been full of searching for maximum strength sunscreen, spraying clothes with insect repellent, and making copies of my passport.

Today my list has been a little different. It goes as follows:
1. Eat Georgia BBQ
2. Say goodbye and good luck to your siblings before they start at LSU in August.
3. Go on a walk in the woods with Mom
4. Quadruple check that your passport is in the right spot
5. Pinch yourself! You’re going to Ghana!

We have spent months talking about the culture of Ghana, listening to their music, and prepping for internships. Everything on the checklist has been checked. Yet, I’m as nervous as ever. My brain is especially talented at coming up with reasons to be nervous. I mean, I might not have enough leg room or my bag could get lost or I might be too nervous to ask to go to the restroom or just too nervous to do any of this. When faced with uncertainty, panic is an easy response. But it’s also hard to have an adventure without a little uncertainty.

Although I am nervous about things like leg room and directions to the bathroom, I’m more excited to go on this journey. I am looking forward to getting lost, trying new food, and reveling in every moment of this adventure y’all. Ghana, here I come!


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