Strap In by Michael Walsh

By: Michael Walsh


This past weekend began with a monkey pulling my hair.



Then we saw some malnourished cats and a sick art museum that we weren’t allowed to take pictures in, otherwise I’d show.


We also ate Jollof and Burger King and bought Frosted Flakes.



A seamstress even made me custom overalls that fit pretty well, and I’m hyped.


My week started off with me taking a Bolt (more local Lyft paid with cash) to a location given to me about an hour before. What was told to me was to get two iPads that we rented for the shoot at this specific apartment and head to GTP. So that’s what I did.



That day, we were shooting the ad we had finally settled on with GTP. I got to be on set and help out while filming behind the scenes. While on set, I got to speak directly with directors about how the shoot was going and ask them questions about their own process of creating these ads. I got a chance to witness the whole shoot and ask questions to the people in charge. Because I was there all day, I got to see all the production equipment and techniques involved. We worked with some of the most sophisticated equipment I’ve ever been around in person.



After completing the GTP shoot, the week slowed down at work, so I started to adventure with my friends when there wasn’t work.


We went to the beach and sat at a railing of an overlooking beach bar, sending budget requests over hotspots to our finance team to make sure that the next production would be funded. I then got airdropped footage and photos that I’ve now been tasked to edit and went to the fashion house of the designer who was featured.



I then met a dude named Daddy-O with my friend and called it a night.


The next day I started with an orientation on how the role of an account executive is structured, how they communicate between clients and their agency and how they structure their role depending on the size of the client. It happened that one of their clients had just left some product at the agency, so I left the meeting with these:



Which glow in the dark and were subsequently stolen by the carwash guy at the carwash later that day because he thought it’d be funny to give them to a passerby as a token of his love of protection and consent. Nothing else of mine was taken and my coworker caught on and asked for them back, but I had really gotten them to give away in the first place, so I let bygones be bygones and had a good laugh.


Carl and I then went to a pool in a town called Tema and later Bolted to a nice restaurant to eat samosas and say goodbye to our faculty advisor as she was heading home.


The next day I stepped into another orientation about the role and processes of a production manager from the director that I had been working under for the past two weeks.

Then I sent another budget report and went to Shai Hills Resource Reserve and saw zebras.



I ended the night, and the week, with my newfound friends at a riverside deckhouse in Akosombo, watching the sunset.


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