Pre-Journey to Ghana: Embracing Challenges and Cultivating Connections

[By Jorney Baldwin]

Planning for this trip to Ghana has been a rollercoaster of emotions and worries. Coming from Coos Bay, Oregon, a small coastal town where few venture beyond, you can imagine the mix of apprehension and excitement among my family and friends. Since my elementary school days, I’ve had a deep desire to explore the world, though I didn’t always know how to make it a reality. My family has always been my strongest supporters. Making them proud has been my lifelong goal, whether it was leaving my hometown, pursuing a masters degree, or now, embarking on a journey to Africa.

In my culture, we believe in paving the way for seven generations before and after us. Everything I do is with them in mind – those who were denied access to education and who never dared to explore the world or pursue their passions due to oppression and fear of the consequences of dreaming big. This is why I push myself to take on challenges, even when they seem daunting.

Packing for Ghana has been bittersweet. While I’ve traveled for internships before, this trip across the globe stirred up new anxieties. Even the passport process felt daunting – how would I manage it all on my own?

However, a shift in perspective helped me realize why this opportunity came my way, reassuring me about my decision to temporarily leave behind my family and community. Reflecting on my identity and life goals, my motivation stems from a deep commitment to serving my family and community, particularly through my future career in mental health. I am passionate about addressing the unique challenges that indigenous communities face. During my internship in Accra, Ghana, at the psychiatric hospital and Mental Health Authority, I anticipate gaining invaluable insights into diverse indigenous communities and their specific needs regarding mental healthcare resources and support. This experience represents an opportunity for me to explore new ways to integrate my passion for mental health outreach and communication in a transformative manner.

As I prepare to immerse myself in the vibrant culture of Ghana, I am eager to forge connections and collaborate with local communities. I see this journey not only as a personal and professional growth opportunity but also as a chance to contribute meaningfully to the global dialogue on mental health. My goal is to learn from the resilience and wisdom of those I meet, and to bring back insights that will not only enrich my own understanding but also inform my advocacy efforts back home. This internship marks a pivotal step towards realizing my aspirations of promoting mental well-being and fostering inclusivity, inspired by the belief that through empathy and solidarity, we can create lasting positive change.

Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing my experiences in Accra through blogging. Whether it is stories from my internship, insights into the culture, tantalizing tales of the food, or reflections on the relationships I build along the way, I invite you to follow my journey and join me in exploring this enriching chapter of my life.

Jorney Baldwin

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