The Castles

I find it interesting the differences between American and Ghanaian sports outlets. The stories are produced in two completely different ways. Here, it is rare to come across features on players. Some Ghanaians cannot even name more than five players on their local teams. There have been extreme problems with violence in the stadiums where Read More …
This is a just a quick post to share what has probably been the highlight of the trip for me so far: teaching a photo and video journalism workshop to students at the University of Ghana. As part of my internship with Radio Univers, the campus radio station, I’m training 12 eager young reporters to Read More …
Just like the United States, Ghana is currently in the midst of a heated presidential election campaign. Ghanaians will go to the polls on November 7, the day before we do the same in the U.S. That is especially interesting because there’s a strong correlation between the Ghanaian election results and our own over the Read More …
The commute to work is more than just a part of my day, it’s an unpleasant hassle. I wake up at seven every single morning, shower, get dressed and know my morning is gonna be a stressful one. As I stand at the tro tro stop with other locals trying to squeeze into a packed Read More …
I was sitting at my desk at work when two of my coworkers walked in singing to me. I was astonished and confused. My face was bright red as everyone around me stared. When they finished singing they announced that they loved the first story I had just sent them and congratulated me. Even though Read More …
On my second day of work, when my boss told me I would get the opportunity to accompany my co-worker to Parliament, my initial reaction was excitement. I was finally going to experience what it’s like to work in Accra, and see how the government works first hand. The government of Ghana is a parliamentary Read More …
On my first day at the Daily Guide, Ghana’s most popular independent newspaper, I was just happy I didn’t get sent home at the get-go. Leslie took me into the reception office to meet the paper’s editor, but he wasn’t in. The receptionists gave us skeptical looks but let us sit down while we waited Read More …
When my boss at Today newspaper offered that the company driver take me home after my first day, I said I wanted to take the tro-tro. The response I got was laughs and confused looks. I had never been on the tro-tro before, and I was anxious to experience Ghana’s public transportation system first-hand. Ever Read More …
As Kofi lead us to the school, I was keenly inquiring about the students and the subjects taught to them. The school had started in 1970s when Kofi himself was a student there. After his father passed away, he took over the reins and now serves as the headmaster. Soon we entered the white plastered Read More …
I am compiling pages for a book on my day to day activities in Ghana. Each of the images is designed with Kente fabric patterns that I have woven into each picture. These are some of my favorite ones so far. Check out my website to see the rest of them!
This is an update post, and I’ll keep it short and sweet. In my last blog post, I discussed my somewhat unorthodox and disappointing first day of work. I’m happy to report that by the end of the week, I had a different story to tell. I came into the office on Friday feeling optimistic Read More …
There is much more here; one is forced to experience something new every day. Just when dark matter starts to consume my mind, usually very early in the morning before work, I start to question why I didn’t study abroad in Europe like any other college student. On my drive to work as I rock Read More …
Last weekend, we stayed at the Coconut Grove Beach Resort in Elmina, which is about a 4 hour drive from Accra (this is an important detail later on). It was a vibrant and beautiful place. There were pristinely mowed lawns, colorful foliage, and an abundance of palm trees. The waves of the ocean were only Read More …