During the Media in Ghana trip, I took an insane amount of photos (I’d say too many, but no amount of photos is too many). Throughout the trip, I would quickly skip through the photos I had taken that day and choose a few of my favorite to edit, as while there I didn’t have much time to carefully examine the thousands of photos I took. However, the 24 hours I spent on a plane on my way home gave me the perfect opportunity to begin looking through them in detail. In the process, I found that some favorite photos I originally skipped over were from the very beginning of the trip – when I was the busiest. Most of these photos were from my first assignment at my internship, a huge demonstration that occurred throughout Accra. I usually do not choose to edit my photos in black and white; however, the demonstration had extremely bright colors that I thought made the photos overwhelming to look at – probably the main reason I skipped over them in the first place. I’m glad I rediscovered these photographs and edited them in a way that made them stand out more than they did before. Looking through photographs, from the beginning of the trip especially, brought memories flooding back and made me even more sad to leave. I’m so glad I was able to capture these moments to look back on for the rest of my life. This was truly such an amazing experience and I will never forget it.