Starting a new job is nerve-racking. Starting a job in a new country is even more terrifying. Innova DDB made it easy to get into the groove of things. I remember my very first day I didn’t really know what to do, and I sat in silence much of the time. The second day I met Joanna (who is the best) and got to know her and ask questions. She then suggested that Jimmy and I sit in the main room so we could get acquainted with coworkers. 

That was the best thing she could have done for us. My perspective on the work culture immediately changed. What I thought would be a quiet and regular 9 to 5 job became a fun, energetic, and welcoming experience.  My favorite part of interning at Innova was being able to joke around with my coworkers. One day we would be singing along to Wavin Flag by K’NAAN and the next I would be teaching them Spanish, and then they would show me the most iconic telenovela in Ghana. 

Every day was similar but different at the same time. It was similar in the sense that we all had something to work on every day, but it varied a lot during break times. One way my coworkers would relieve some stress was by sharing a snack or pulling out the ping pong table in the cafeteria.  Ultimately, if you are nervous about interning at Innova don’t be! The team is super chill, and  one of the biggest takeaways is that this is the time to explore this industry, take risks, and fail. By failing I mean don’t be scared to make mistakes because you are there to learn. Not only that, but the team is there to support, teach, and help you grow in this profession.