To My Dearest Wi-Fi,

You never know how much you love something until it’s gone. That’s how I currently feel about the Wi-Fi here at work. I’ve had connectivity issues in other places before (hello, living in the dorms for two years!), but nothing compares to the on-again-off-again relationship I have with the internet connection at Innova DDB.

It seems as though when my work flow is slow and my task list low, the Wi-Fi is at lightning speed for all of my Adobe tutorial-watching needs. But boy-oh-boy, when a colleague I am assisting or I am on a deadline or any kind of time crunch for something, the Wi-Fi really seems to know it and in a true Ross Gellar fashion, that’s when it decides that we are on a break.

The most common phrase heard at work: “NAAOMMIIII, INTERNET!” This is a cry for help to the office’s Junior Traffic Manager and keeper to the gates of Wi-Fi, Naomi. She is truly the Office MVP for dealing with our incessant whining and extreme impatience when connectivity is snail-pace slow.

Common coping mechanisms for dealing with slow internet within the Innova DDB office include, but are not limited to: random dance breaks, random banter with the person beside you, trips to the water cooler, trips to the fruit seller, singing to fill the void of the now-buffering music streaming service, going for lunch, and throwing ground nuts (aka peanuts) across the office (sorry Steve & Eben) and pretending it wasn’t you.

So it’s easy to say, I am looking forward to the lightning speed of Wi-Fi back home. I cannot wait to stream, download, and surf to my heart’s content. Ghana has charmed me in so many other ways, but the internet speed and I are just not compatible.

I’m sorry Ghana Wi-Fi, but there’s somebody else—and its name is sweet, sweet American Wi-Fi.

